Saturday, 19 May 2012

Yesterday's 24' x 11' circuit wasn't quite good enough.

I spent a bit of time this morning looking at the 24' x 11' circuit I'd designed yesterday and it seemed that there was room for improvement.

Friday, 18 May 2012

Because I've not posted for a number of days ...

... in the absence of my witty remarks, I decided that I should put something up for you all to admire: And so here they are; a couple of designs that we made this evening.

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Let there be light -or is that back to day one?

Me: So, how far did we get?
You: We got as far as your birthday; and that was well over a month ago!
Me: Ah, okay ...

In my last post I introduced you to a penchant of mine (with regards to the SCALEXTRIC racing of course), namely multiple-to-single lane circuits.